Play as a pilgrim journeying to the temple of the Summer Goddess
and save your village from an eternal winter. You'll find the
temple in ruins, buffeted by endless blizzards. It's up to
you to restore the temple, solve its mysterious
mechanisms, and earn favor with the
Goddess of Summer.
Using your wits, your strength, and your trusty torch,
solve environmental puzzles, replace lost totems,
and interact with magic mechanisms to
travel to the heart of
the temple.
Dani Messing: Concept/Prop Artist
Austin Edwards: Programmer/Technical Artist
Savana Pickett: Art Director/Character Artist
Ethan Sather: Project Lead/Environment Artist
Special Thanks To:
Lynn Stillwell: Rigger
Joseph Gai: Rigger
Benjamin Burke: Animator
Brittany Kartes: Sound Design
Logan Hardin: Sound Design
Ryan Baker: Composer
Studio: DASE Games
Platform: PC
Genre: Puzzle Adventure